All landlords need property managers — so why is it so hard to find a good one?
LANDLORD is a brilliantly simple idea hatched by a team who wanted to solve this problem and finally give landlords the service (and rewards) they deserve.
With decades of experience in the property industry, Jeremy Martin was the perfect person to spot the issue. With numerous awards under his belt (including the Business Leader Award from the NSW Business Chamber), he’s best known for his key role revitalising the Green Square Precinct in Sydney, which saw him deliver over 900 apartments as a developer and run a successful real estate agency with a rent roll of over 1200 landlords. He saw first-hand exactly what landlords need and he knew there had to be a better way to do it.

The magic happened when he paired up with entrepreneur and e-commerce legend Justus Hammer. As an advisor and early investor to Airtasker, advisor to VICE Golf and Docbook, Non-Executive Director to Tempurer, CMO of Mint Wireless and Co-Founder of Spreets, he knows an amazing idea when he sees it.

They teamed up with experienced investor Emily Hollingum to create LANDLORD, and to disrupt the property management system by giving landlords the power and recognising top property managers for their hard work.